More than a century ago, Frederick Law Olmstead, Jr. did for New Haven what his famous father did for New York City: he designed a big, beautiful park for everyone to enjoy.


Today, families still stroll along the park’s carriageway and relax by its ponds, but they also go jogging; play tennis, basketball and bocce; enjoy the skateboard park, playground and make good use of the soccer field and dog run.

There are concerts, nature outings, a farmers market and a dedicated group of people who work to preserve, promote and improve the park: that’s us—The Friends of Edgewood Park.

Supporting enjoyment of Edgewood Park for over 30 years.


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  or if you prefer, write a check

payable to "URI"
(Urban Resources Initiative is our fiscal agent.)

Mail to:
Friends of Edgewood Park, 
c/o Parks Dept., 
720 Edgewood Ave., New Haven, CT 06515